Our Adoption Journey

Our journey to start a family through the miracle of adoption.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The Hardest Part

186 days...

That is how long we have been waiting. Officially that is. We started our adoption journey in October 2010, went through the whole rigmarole and finally had our last panel-meeting on the 3rd of February 2012. The day the wait started.
I always knew that this would be the hardest part. That is probably one of the reasons why it took us a fairly long time from our first session to the last meeting. I know of people who have done this in a matter of weeks. We decided from the start that we would take it in our stride and enjoy the journey. We were not prepared to rush to the end and sit and wait.
But we have arrived and it has proved to be no fun at all. Well, maybe a little!


  1. The waiting really is the hardest part. We've been waiting one year and six months for our second placement and it's seriously slowly killing me!
    Strongs sister!

  2. Thank you Sharon! If only we could take a little peak into the future to see how long we have to wait.. Good luck with your upcoming panel meeting.

  3. we just started with the process recently, its only been a month. we have done the pyschological assessment, waiting for the results and doing individual interviews next week followed by the house visit on the 14 september. very anxious of the whole process. cant wait to be done with the panel interview and start the waiting game.

    i have faith that the waiting game will be over soon for you ladies!

    1. Thank you Karabo and good luck with the rest of the process!
