Our Adoption Journey

Our journey to start a family through the miracle of adoption.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Moving on... or not

I have not been blogging for a while, had a lot of things going on in my life and I did not want to confuse everybody with random happenings and thoughts. Felt like I've been in an industrial tumble-drier, going round and round and round. But the cycle has stopped now, and while my head is still spinning a bit, the drama is over.

During Jan & Feb, while the Western Cape sun was shining down on us for 15 hours a day, "visiting" my hubby in the country was fine. I left the City at 16:00 on a Friday afternoon and came back directly to work on a Monday morning. The problem started in March when we got our first rain and the days suddenly turned darker for longer; when it took me 4 hours instead of the usual 2 to get home; when a weekend with my husband meant seeing him on a Saturday and leaving again on Sunday. A total of 1 night per week, times 3 weekends a month, equals 3 nights a month. I was horrified to think that this is how the winter will be like, cold and wet and without my warmer half!

So while in my mind I was still convincing myself that it is not as bad as it seems and that all will be OK, my body decided to pull up the handbrake and stopped me in my tracks. I had a terrible flu and the doctor booked me off for a week, which I spend in my country bed, with my hubby making me breakfast and bringing me lunch. So I gave up the fight.

I told my boss that I'll be working notice for April and May and will be leaving for the country come June. We would have to make due with Riaan's salary, but we will survive. I then, though word-of-(small-town)-mouth, got a job-offer at a transport company on a farm outside of town. Not being perfect, as it meant a 70km drive per day and a very basic salary. But it would help and the owner of the company is well known and respected in town.

Meanwhile back at work, we are busy implementing a computer program which will make our lives easier and create access to all the information from wherever. So my boss brings up the proposal that I made a couple of months back, read more about that disaster here. I was completely caught off guard and declined. I was moving house at that stage (as my MIL's house got rented out) and not in a good head space. Luckily I regained my senses and we talked about it some more. So, the conclusion is that I'll be setting up a home-office and will be working remotely from there. I am thrilled, but also sad for having to give up the other opportunity. But - life is all about the choices we make and living with the consequences.
I do however feel that this is the best option, and taking into consideration that we might have a baby any day soon, this is the perfect solution.


  1. Transitions and big decisions such as these are difficult. I hope that you find the peace of mind you are looking for - and that all the steps you are taking are leading you towards the path of creating the home you idealize for your soon-to-be baby!

  2. You have had a hectic time! Glad that you can do your own job from home, I think it will be best esp with having a baby. Don't feel bad about the other job, I also had to decline another opportunity but in retrospect I think it was right for me as I would have had to arrange child care and the boss seemed a bit unreliable.
    Please keep blogging I want to know how things go, I have movie blogs now due to hacking onestepatatime.co.za

    1. Thanks for the blog address, wondered where you were!
